Customer Relationship Management And Customer Satisfaction Systems

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a tool used to better understand customers and respond to changes in their needs and desires as quickly as possible. This technology allows organizations to collect data and put it to use for strategic purposes. As such, the data collected helps organizations solve their customers’ problems more quickly and effectively, which allows organizations to better target products towards their clientele. Ideally, this information should aid in generating solutions to problems occurring outside of organizations’ marketing functions.

The development process requires managers to:

  • Identify their customers’ ‘pain points’ to better understand what causes them dissatisfaction and what standards the organization is unable to meet.
  • Evaluate whether or not adopted CRM can help bridge the aforementioned gaps.
  • Calculate the cost of adopting and implementing the program.
  • Assess the pros and cons of adopting the program.
  • Design an incentives program ensuring employee participation, since targeting customers has proven most successful when adopting this management tool.
  • Measure the tools’ progress and impact, and monitor employee participation.
  • Share all the data collected about the success or failure of the program with the whole organization so that everyone understands the need for improvement.

Customer Satisfaction Systems help the business increase its revenues and profits by improving retention among its customers, employees, and investors. This tool helps companies recognize the importance of loyalty programs and implement them, so it’s easier to understand the root cause of dissatisfaction. This, ultimately, helps companies improve and strengthen ties with their customers. Furthermore, this tool quantifies financial results and helps companies benefit from any small shifts in performance or growth.

The development process requires managers to:

  • Assess, on a regular basis, current loyalty levels by collecting data and understanding the difference between satisfaction and loyalty. Customers, employees, and investors should be taken into consideration when collecting this information.
  • Study and benchmark this information with that of competitors.
  • Track important performance dimensions according to information provided by customers.
  • Conduct regular feedback surveys.
  • Set targets in order to build loyalty and decrease retention. These targets would need to be incentivized, planned, and well-budgeted.
  • Revise currently applicable policies that provide customers with short-term results such as discounts or service feeds.
  • Understand why certain groups are loyal to the organization.

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